Players testing my VR demo Life of Lon at the Silicon Valley VR Expo
Virtual Reality UX and Creative Direction
Virtual Reality is the Next Big Thing. The likes of Google, Facebook, Samsung, HTC/Valve, and many others are dumping money and resources into making VR successful. Forbes projects that VR/AR will be a $120b industry by 2020.
I've been working with VR technology since early 2015. Here's what I've done:
Thought Leadership
Giving a talk at Incontext Solutions on comfortable seated locomotion in VR
Participating in a panel at the first CHIVR meetup
Me, Elina Vanyukhina, and August Wasilowski - the founders of CHIVR
I'm very motivated to see VR as an industry succeed, and to bring good usability best practices to the forefront. I've spent a lot of time at meetups giving demos and talks on how to build good usable VR experiences.
Here are some of the articles I've written about VR user experience and design:
VR Product Direction
Giving an interview with some of the team at the Silicon Valley VR Expo
One of the key highlights of my work has been Block Interval, a studio I built in 2014 that pivoted to VR in June 2015. I've been fortunate to lead this team in creating a really strong VR demo for a game called Life of Lon. I've lead almost all aspects of the product- writing and ideation, game architecture, branding, art direction, music direction, testing, and project management. I can bring all of these things to a company that is looking to innovate in VR.
VR User Testing
Here I am conducting a VR user test at the first CHIVR meetup in August, 2016
I've conducted hundreds of user tests in VR at meetups, expos and in my own home. The testing process is absolutely critical when building games or applications for VR. It's not enough to simply conduct a test though- data must be gathered and analyzed- and the results must be synthesized and brought to the team so that the product can improve. I've conducted tests on both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, with the XBOX controller as well as the Vive handheld controllers.
Is your company in search of someone like me? Shoot me an email at